Gratitude - Week 1
Since November is traditionally the month of Giving Thanks, I am going to strive to do a weekly Gratitude list. Hopefully I will continue it past November, but baby steps.
Its hard to believe that its been less than a week since Sandy wreaked havoc from Haiti to Cuba and Outer Banks to the Jersey Shore, Hoboken and New York City. The photos of the devastation are heartbreaking, yet amongst all the destruction there are people coming together to help one another. Every time we have a major disaster, people wake up and realize that we're all in this together and we need to help each other. Now, how about we continue that support and love long past the tragedies. Imagine how wonderful life could be if we showed each other a little more love and compassion.
On to my gratitude list...
- Grateful that my friends are all well and safe. Even though they may not have electricity yet, in this technological age, we are still able to stay in touch.
- Grateful for my Thai massage last night with the lovely Penny. I am still sore this morning but I know I will feel better later.
- Grateful that I live in a country where I can vote.
- Grateful for the sky this week that has been an ever changing work of art.
- Grateful for long eye-opening conversations with friends who get me thinking about my future.
- Grateful for coffee with a new friend and instant connection.
- Grateful for quiet mornings.
- Grateful for Sunday morning crosswords that crack me up. Clue: Righto Answer: Youbetcha (seriously could not make that up)
- Grateful that I am able to put food on the table.
- Grateful for a clean bill of health.
- Grateful for everyone who reads this blog and even though I may not always reply to your comments, I read and appreciate every single one. Not always sure why you read my blog, but I am grateful.
- And last but not least, I am grateful for this life, this moment, this cup of coffee.
What are you grateful for today?
In Black & White
Its rainy here this morning so its a perfect day to follow Bella's prompt over at 52 Photos Project. Still in my PJ's, I headed out to my porch and found the bush in my front yard in full bloom. The color is beautiful but what I like about it in black and white is how the rain drops become the focus, not the flower. One of my favorite things to try and capture, other than the full moon, is rain. Its hard to do but again, I love trying.
Hop on over to 52 Photos Project to check out the other awesome photos and join in.
Get In Really Close
Even though I haven't been taking many photos recently I wanted to get back in on the lovely Bella's 52 Photos Project. I looked through some photos from the past couple of months and found a few where I got really close. I love playing with the macro function and would really like to get a macro lens but that's just not in the cards right now.
I am hoping that Bella's prompts will get me to pull out my camera more often. I've missed taking photos.
Twinkling Lights
This week's photo prompt over at 52 Photos Project is Twinkling Lights.
In my last home, I had twinkling lights hung in my bedroom that I could turn on with the push of a button. In this new home, I put some up on my back deck but never turn them on for some reason. Well now that the holidays are here, I put up some twinkling icicles on my front porch that are on a timer. I love when they pop on around 5pm every evening. I may leave them up for a long time, think the neighbors will mind?!
Serendipity ~ Good Fortune. Luck.
Returning from a retreat like Serendipity, people ask me if I had a good time and want me to tell them all about the retreat. Its so hard to put into words what time with amazing, beautiful, talented, inspiring women is like. Women who do not judge, who hold your hand, look deep into your eyes and SEE you. Women who make you think about things in a different way. Women who make you see things about yourself that maybe you missed. Women who howl at the moon. Women who are pure Love. Women who make you laugh and smile just by walking into a room.
A room filled with women in deep conversations, dancing around the island, singing at the top of their lungs, laughing big huge belly laughs, shedding tears, giving hugs, opening up in the best possible ways.
This is the only way I know how to share about this gathering of women. These are my soul sisters* and I can't imagine my life without them.
*a few don't have blogs to link to but you are in this group too...Jess, Nikki, Karen, you know who you are!
Along the Fence
I have been absent from the 52 Photos Project but decided to jump in when I saw this weeks prompt. This is one of my favorite photos ever! It was taken during a few days of solitude in Nags Head and looking at this always brings be back to that space.
I will try to be better about following the prompts from the lovely Bella as it is a lot of fun!
Day 21 - Rain
Words Fail Me
I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head. Ideas for blog posts and my book and yet when I sit down to write, the words fail me. I can't put coherent thoughts on the page. So I write what I can and hope that eventually it will all come together.
In the meantime, more pictures of Allie. She is just too friggin' cute!
Last week I drove down to Florida for a week at the beach with family. I never dreamed it would be cooler there than it would be here but it was and it was beautiful. I always enjoy my time by the sea and this trip was no different. Waking up every morning and looking out to the sea is something I could get used to doing. I feel rejuvenated and ready to go….ok well a little tired this morning from the drive back and a restless night's sleep but still ready to go. Ready to get moving on projects I've been putting off and still letting go of things that no longer serve me….hello control issues. Every time I visit the sea, I come away with a renewed sense of purpose. I can only imagine if I lived closer….hmmmm.
Outside My Window
I decided to join in the fun over at 52 Photos Project with the lovely Bella. I'm a little late to the game but better late than never. I want to take more photos (I've missed it) and this is a great way to get back into pulling my camera out every day.
This cardinal loves to torture my cat as she sits by the screen door looking out at the back yard. I love watching her watching him.
Sunday Photos
I am still without internet access at home so I have to sneak on here and there. The house is coming together although I haven't done much since Mom & Paul left on Monday. Things will get done in due time. This week has involved alot of running around. Actually so far the month of May has felt like a race, although I'm not sure where I think I need to get so fast. I'm trying to slow down and catch myself when I get too caught up in the crazy.
I love my little cottage. All of the floors are slanted and creak even when Allie walks on them. The old fireplaces, even though they don't work, need to be cleaned out before I can open them up...or I will find little soot prints everywhere. Still a few boxes to unpack and stuff to put away, although I have no idea where.
There are lots of stories living in this little charming cottage, I really wish the walls could talk. Everyone comments on the good energy. I am so grateful to have found this place I now call home. Thank you Susie for telling me about it.
If you need a little get-away, come visit, everyone is welcome here.
**I hope to be back with more regular posts as soon as internet is up and running at home. I must say I have enjoyed the time with limited technology though.**
Photo Journal - Nags Head
Running with gazelles in the city
New York City is one of my favorite places to visit. I can wander through the streets for hours, window shopping, people watching and getting lost in the city. Most of my trips to the city have been with one or two friends.
This time, I spent the weekend with a herd of gazelles in the city.
Strong, confident, compassionate, beautiful, creative women.
Wandering the streets, ducking into restaurants we'd never visited, snagging the best tables, enjoying good food, great beer, gelato on a cold day, long naps on a red couch, amazing conversations, connection.
Grateful for time spent running with gazelles.