Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  I am still working on my word, my goals, my vision for 2011.

While I'm working on that I thought I'd share a few photos from my week away.  Of course I had to take photos of the ocean because that is the place I feel most at peace.  I'd tell you where these were taken but some of my family would be upset with me...since I didn't stop and visit (hope they don't read this ;)).

I'll be back soon with more fun for 2011!

Life is good today

This weekend involved a lot of time in the car and lots of quality time with a very dear friend.  We always have a great time together and this weekend was no different.  After a drive from DC to Richmond that took twice as long as it should have, we were lucky enough to head out on a boat for the afternoon.  It was one of THE most enjoyable days and I appreciated every minute of it.

I really took my own advice of being present to heart.  Yes it is easy to be present when you are sitting on a boat or floating in the water.   It would also have been just as easy to think of all the things I should have been doing, like all of the blog posts I've got in the works.  But for today, I can only manage a few pictures from the lake.  In the words of Zac Brown Band (who we saw on Friday)...Life is good today, life is good today!

Favorite Things

One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday morning is to head to the farmer's market.  While there I always try to buy fresh flowers.  They always brighten up my space!

I think we should always have fresh flowers around, don't you?


A little beauty for this Sunday morning.

Hydrangeas are a difficult flower to grow but when they do, they are just so beautiful.  My favorite flower!

I'm going to attempt to share photos every Sunday morning...you see the word 'attempt'...so if I miss a Sunday, please don't hold it against me.  Enjoy!