Serendipity ~ Good Fortune. Luck.
Returning from a retreat like Serendipity, people ask me if I had a good time and want me to tell them all about the retreat. Its so hard to put into words what time with amazing, beautiful, talented, inspiring women is like. Women who do not judge, who hold your hand, look deep into your eyes and SEE you. Women who make you think about things in a different way. Women who make you see things about yourself that maybe you missed. Women who howl at the moon. Women who are pure Love. Women who make you laugh and smile just by walking into a room.
A room filled with women in deep conversations, dancing around the island, singing at the top of their lungs, laughing big huge belly laughs, shedding tears, giving hugs, opening up in the best possible ways.
This is the only way I know how to share about this gathering of women. These are my soul sisters* and I can't imagine my life without them.
*a few don't have blogs to link to but you are in this group too...Jess, Nikki, Karen, you know who you are!