Melissa Ann Piccola

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Gratitude - Week 1

Since November is traditionally the month of Giving Thanks, I am going to strive to do a weekly Gratitude list.  Hopefully I will continue it past November, but baby steps.

Its hard to believe that its been less than a week since Sandy wreaked havoc from Haiti to Cuba and Outer Banks to the Jersey Shore, Hoboken and New York City.  The photos of the devastation are heartbreaking, yet amongst all the destruction there are people coming together to help one another.  Every time we have a major disaster, people wake up and realize that we're all in this together and we need to help each other.  Now, how about we continue that support and love long past the tragedies.  Imagine how wonderful life could be if we showed each other a little more love and compassion.

On to my gratitude list...

  • Grateful that my friends are all well and safe.  Even though they may not have electricity yet, in this technological age, we are still able to stay in touch.
  • Grateful for my Thai massage last night with the lovely Penny.  I am still sore this morning but I know I will feel better later.
  • Grateful that I live in a country where I can vote.
  • Grateful for the sky this week that has been an ever changing work of art.
  • Grateful for long eye-opening conversations with friends who get me thinking about my future.
  • Grateful for coffee with a new friend and instant connection.
  • Grateful for quiet mornings.
  • Grateful for Sunday morning crosswords that crack me up.  Clue:  Righto  Answer:  Youbetcha (seriously could not make that up)
  • Grateful that I am able to put food on the table.
  • Grateful for a clean bill of health.
  • Grateful for everyone who reads this blog and even though I may not always reply to your comments, I read and appreciate every single one.  Not always sure why you read my blog, but I am grateful.
  • And last but not least, I am grateful for this life, this moment, this cup of coffee.

What are you grateful for today?