Gratitude - Week 2

This has been an emotional roller coaster week.  I have tried to focus on the good things each day, some days its easier than others.

With that said...

  • My brother John has been gone a long time...this year his birthday was particularly emotional for me.  I'm grateful for the time we had together in this life and I'm grateful for the times I feel him near me now.
  • I'm grateful for friends who rally around another friend, that they don't even know, lighting candles, saying prayers and sending out positive energy
  • I'm grateful for a dear friend who came through a major surgery and has the best attitude
  • I'm grateful for text message shenanigans
  • I'm grateful for warm, sunny days in November
  • I'm grateful for long naps instead of doing yard work
  • I'm grateful that the election is over and I don't have to here anymore political ads
  • I'm grateful for Sunday afternoons with nowhere to be

What are you grateful for?

I will be joining Michelle tomorrow for Gratitude Week 2012.  Want to join in too?