The past week I have been living in the shadows. Walking through my life but not really 'living' it. Almost like sleepwalking. I get up, go about my day but something wasn't right. I really couldn't put my finger on it until yesterday.
Yesterday, I looked up. I was driving down the road and looked up to see the leaves changing colors and then and there I realized, I hadn't looked up in about a week. I've been looking at my feet, at the ground, making sure to put one foot in front of the other but never looking up.
I know we must embrace the shadows to appreciate the light, but sometimes when you're stuck in the shadow, its kind of scary. Deep down I always know the light will come again, but on the surface it feels like the dark will never end. Luckily it does and the light comes shining through.
Today I am GRATEFUL for looking up to see the blue sky, sun shining and leaves changing colors!