The Crash, its inevitable really.
Spending a week away by the sea with amazing women, laughing so hard your face hurts, dancing in the kitchen, relaxing in the sand, soaking in the hot tub staring at the stars, doing yoga, writing, journeying, creating, being completely at peace.
Coming home on a high only to crash and burn a few days later. I've been doing retreats for several years now and most of the time I come home and can easily get back into the groove (except that first year at Squam, that was a doozy). This time around, I'm having a bit more difficulty.
I want the face to face connections, the laughter and tears, right here, right now. I need that community on a more regular basis. The Facebook chats and text messages, even the phone calls, they just aren't a good substitute for the face to face connection. I guess there is Skype so we can "see" each other but really how do we get more face time with our friends scattered across the globe?
Can someone please purchase a plane that will be at our beck and call whenever needed? I think that would really help us out...well unless there's a plot of land somewhere where we could start a commune...that would work too. Any other suggestions?