Go with the flow

As anyone who I've talked to over the past few months knows, I am planning a move to the west coast next summer.  I always love visiting California and I figure why not, all of my family is on the east coast and I have lots of friends but what was keeping me from making a big move.  I can always travel back and forth.  I mean I live on the east coast and travel back and forth to the west coast so why not the other way around.  My best friend, Christine, is in Cali and I have a bunch of other friends there, the weather is almost always nice and maybe my allergies will take a hike.  I can't think of any reason not to move...until now.  I met someone and although its only been a short time, I am rethinking my big 'plans'.

I'm not making any major decisions to stay or go based on this new relationship but it is giving me reason to stop planning too far ahead.  It is reminding me once again to live in the present moment.

This has all taken me a bit by surprise even though it really shouldn't.  While I was at the beach last month, I took some time to write down all the qualities I am looking for in a partner, mate, significant other and I just somehow knew that he would find me.  I wouldn't have to go on a dating site or anything, we would meet when it was right.  Less that a week later, I met someone in a very unlikely way, when I wasn't looking, who possesses all of these qualities.  Now I'm not saying we're going to spend the rest of our lives together, I honestly don't know where this is going, but I do know that I want to stay in the present and enjoy each moment and see where this relationship goes.

As I sit at Christine's kitchen table, writing this post, the sun is shining in sunny CA, a little chocolate lab named Tilda has her paw on my foot as she sleeps and I think that I could easily live here and get to spend more time with my BFF (and Tilda too).  But for now, I am going to enjoy my visit and not worry about what the future holds.  As several people have told me, California will always be there.

Not to say I won't make any plans...I need to be flexible and go with the flow because you just never know what life has in store for you.