Day 6 - the August Break

We have been having some wicked thunderstorms this week.  I was awakened yesterday morning at 1:20am by loud thunder, blinding lightening and blowing rain.  Instead of rolling over and trying to go back to sleep, I hoped out of bed and grabbed my camera.  Um, why would I do such a thing?  I was trying to get a good picture of the lightening strikes but with all the rain, I couldn't capture it.  With more thunderstorms predicted this weekend, maybe I'll be able to get some good ones.  I just hope I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to do it.

Day 4 - the August Break

I drive by this old church several times a week.  Yesterday, I decided to pull in and take some pictures.  I've wanted to do that many times but I guess I needed the extra push of the August Break to make me actually do it!

I often dream of buying this old church and converting it into a house.  I love the idea of living in a place that was meant to be something else.  Of course there would be way too much work on this particular church.  But maybe someday I will find one that is the perfect project for me...a girl can dream.

On a side note, this church is also where my father and stepmother got married 23 years ago (and boy was it hot)!

the August Break begins

As I was sitting inside yesterday trying to figure out what I would photograph for Day 1 of the August Break, my hummingbird came by for a visit (yes, I call him my hummingbird).

When I moved from the house in the woods where I had lots of hummingbird visitors, I thought there is no way I'd get one to visit my 3rd floor apartment.  But a few months ago I decided to put out a feeder in hopes that 'if you build it, they will come.'  A few weeks ago I happened to look up the instant a hummingbird landed at the feeder.  I was so very excited, I sat and waited for him to return.  He never did that day but has several times since.  So yesterday when I saw him, I ran to get my camera and waited, actually stalked is more like it.  He visited several times but was always so fast that these are the only photos I was able to get.

the August Break

If you don't know Susannah Conway, you really should.  She is an amazing photographer, a wonderful teacher of the Unravelling e-course, she's writing a book, working on more e-courses and oh yea, she's got a smashing British accent!  She has organized a fun photography project for August, the August Break. Check it out here or click on the link on right side of this page.  I'll be playing so if you want something fun to do, join in too!