Melissa Ann Piccola

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This week...

Yesterday I got home from work with grand plans to go into town to an artist reception and maybe grab a drink and dinner at a local restaurant.  Instead I sat on the couch and caught up on some shows on Hulu.  Grey's Anatomy was the first show, and boy what a sad show.  When they took McSteamy off life support, memories came flooding back of my brother when we had to do the same.  Then I was thinking of my dear friend who lost her dog around the time I was watching the show.

The tears started flowing.  Not one of those uncontrollable crying fits but a small steady stream of tears.

Then there was the loss of a friendship over a series of text messages and oh yeah... Thursday would have been my 15th wedding anniversary.  All in all a pretty shit week.  So I didn't try to stifle the tears and just let them come and go as needed.

This is life, right?  good days and bad, weeks with nothing eventful happening and then those weeks that nothing can go right.  I know I have a pretty great life and most of the time I probably would have stopped the tears telling myself that there's no need to have a pretty great life.  Sometimes though you need to let the tears fall...a good cleansing flow of tears.