Melissa Ann Piccola

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Allowing for Time to Celebrate

On Friday, I completed my final testing for my Pilates certification.  This was one of the biggest goals I have ever set for myself.  It involved 600+ hours of observing, teaching, and taking classes.  It involved four full weekends of training plus countless hours of studying.  At times, early in the process, I thought I would never get through this.  But this past Friday, I did my advance mat workout, finished my written test and completed the oral portion of the test.   A year in the making and its complete.

Yet, I have been having a hard time allowing myself to celebrate this accomplishment.  Maybe its because in the middle of the oral test, I received a call saying the my cousin was receiving his last rites and this pilates certification didn't seem all that important.  Or maybe its because after all this time and work, there was no fan fair, no marching band, no balloons.  I'm not sure why I was resistant to celebrate, but I kind of forced myself on Friday evening to open a bottle of Prosecco, spend time on the phone with a dear friend  and laugh hysterically at the antics of Melissa McCarthy and various other things....oh and of course snap pictures of Allie (above) staring into my glass.

Yesterday, I didn't have anywhere to be until 5:30pm so I gave myself permission to chill out, relax and take my time getting ready.  Of course I did clean my house so it wasn't a total day of luxury.

Taking my time and not rushing about my day, I guess that was my sort of celebration for this big goal.  Of course, today I am focused on my book and spending time to work on that.  Does anyone else have a hard time allowing time for celebration following the completion of a big project or goal?  Or are you already focused on the next thing like me?