Melissa Ann Piccola

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Life is good today

This weekend involved a lot of time in the car and lots of quality time with a very dear friend.  We always have a great time together and this weekend was no different.  After a drive from DC to Richmond that took twice as long as it should have, we were lucky enough to head out on a boat for the afternoon.  It was one of THE most enjoyable days and I appreciated every minute of it.

I really took my own advice of being present to heart.  Yes it is easy to be present when you are sitting on a boat or floating in the water.   It would also have been just as easy to think of all the things I should have been doing, like all of the blog posts I've got in the works.  But for today, I can only manage a few pictures from the lake.  In the words of Zac Brown Band (who we saw on Friday)...Life is good today, life is good today!